
Donations are down, demand is up, get out and vote!

27th June 2024

In the run up to the election we are seeing an increased demand for our services.  Understandably with the cost of living crisis clients are finding getting to the end of the month more and more difficult.  Inevitably with costs rising donations are down and our warehouse shelves are becoming depleted.


“More and more people are coming to our foodbanks because Universal Credit simply isn’t enough to afford the essentials. I know first-hand what this feels like.  Universal Credit is not enough for me and my kids to live off and the knock- on effect of having to tread water every day can make you feel helpless.”



So when you go to the polls on 4th of July please spare a thought for your local foodbank.  Which party do you think will improve things for hungry people and who is more likely to work towards making foodbanks a thing of the past?




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