
Overwhelming generosity = full warehouse! 🎄 🎁

19th December 2022

Despite the cost of living crisis and the pressure we are all feeling, our donors have been as generous as ever this December!
We have been amazed by the donations we have received and although we know stock will also go out fast, we now ask that anyone hoping to visit the warehouse this week please holds off until January.
If you’ve done a reverse advent calendar, then please bring it to us after Christmas. Demand in January will be high, as it always is and people need help all year round. Thank you to everyone for thinking of our clients this Christmas and be reassured we can help everyone who comes to us in need this month.
Over Christmas and New Year we will be open for clients and at the warehouse every Tues and Fri as usual, EXCEPT Tues 27th Dec when our volunteers will be taking a much needed break. Thank you again.

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